Co mają wspólnego samobójstwa rolników ze zmianami klimatu? Znamy zwycięzców Sony World Photography Awards

Na to pytanie próbował odpowiedzieć Federico Borella - zwycięzca prestiżowego konkursu Sony World Photography Awards 2019. Poznaliśmy także zwycięzców w kategoriach profesjonalnych oraz laureatów lau.

Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019

322 997 zdjęć fotografów ze 195 krajów - to rekordowa liczba prac zgłoszonych w tym roku do Sony World Photography Awards. Jury wybrało właśnie najlepszych z nich, a ich nazwiska podano na uroczystej ceremonii rozdania nagród w Londynie.

Tytuł Fotografa Roku dla Federico Borelli za cykl „Five Degrees”

„Five Degrees” („Pięć stopni”) to projekt włoskiego fotografa Federico Borelli, który jest fotoreporterem freelancerem z ponad dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem. Seria skupia się na samobójstwach mężczyzn w społeczności rolniczej Tamil Nadu w południowych Indiach. Rejon ten nawiedziła najgorsza susza od 140 lat.

Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924248"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924224"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924227"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924230"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924233"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924236"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924239"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924242"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924245"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019 class="wp-image-924251"
Fot. Frederico Borella / Fotograf Roku / SWPA 2019

Badania przeprowadzone na Uniwersytecie Berkeley stwierdziły związek między zmianami klimatycznymi i wzrostem liczby samobójstw wśród indyjskich rolników. Borella zbadała wpływ zmian klimatu na ten rolniczy region i jego społeczność. Jego przejmujące fotografie to potężna mieszanka zdjęć przedstawiających krajobraz rolniczy, pamiątki po zmarłych rolnikach i portretów ludzi zamieszkujących gospodarstwa rolne.

Zwycięzcy kategorii profesjonalnych, laureaci konkursu młodzieżowego i studenckiego

W trakcie gali poznaliśmy również zwycięzców każdej kategorii konkursu profesjonalnego. Nie zabrakło też laureatów konkursu młodzieżowego i studenckiego. Poniżej prezentujemy najważniejsze ze zdjęć, ale wszystkie nagrodzone kadry można obejrzeć na stronie organizatorów.

Fot. Zelle Westfall, Youth, Diversity (2019 Youth competition), Youth Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924296"
Fot. Zelle Westfall, Youth, Diversity (2019 Youth competition), Youth Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Sergi Villanueva, Student, Student Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924290"
Fot. Sergi Villanueva, Student, Student Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Sergi Villanueva, Student, Student Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924308"
Fot. Sergi Villanueva, Student, Student Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Christy Lee Rogers, Open, Motion (Open competition), Open Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924311"
Fot. Christy Lee Rogers, Open, Motion (Open competition), Open Photographer of the Year, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Jean-Marc Caimi & Valentina Piccinni, Professional, Discovery (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924326"
Fot. Jean-Marc Caimi & Valentina Piccinni, Professional, Discovery (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Rebecca Fertinel, Professional, Brief (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924314"
Fot. Rebecca Fertinel, Professional, Brief (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Rebecca Fertinel, Professional, Brief (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924323"
Fot. Rebecca Fertinel, Professional, Brief (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Jasper Doest, Professional, Natural World & Wildlife (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924320"
Fot. Jasper Doest, Professional, Natural World & Wildlife (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Jasper Doest, Professional, Natural World & Wildlife (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924263"
Fot. Jasper Doest, Professional, Natural World & Wildlife (Professional), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Marinka Masséus, Professional, Creative (Professional competition), 1st Place , 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924278"
Fot. Marinka Masséus, Professional, Creative (Professional competition), 1st Place , 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Marinka Masséus, Professional, Creative (Professional competition), 1st Place , 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924275"
Fot. Marinka Masséus, Professional, Creative (Professional competition), 1st Place , 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Nicolas Gaspardel & Pauline Baert, Professional, Still Life (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924269"
Fot. Nicolas Gaspardel & Pauline Baert, Professional, Still Life (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Nicolas Gaspardel & Pauline Baert, Professional, Still Life (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924266"
Fot. Nicolas Gaspardel & Pauline Baert, Professional, Still Life (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Stephan Zirwes, Professional, Architecture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Stephan Zirwes, Professional, Architecture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924299"
Fot. Stephan Zirwes, Professional, Architecture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Álvaro Laiz, Professional, Portraiture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924293"
Fot. Álvaro Laiz, Professional, Portraiture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Álvaro Laiz, Professional, Portraiture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924281"
Fot. Álvaro Laiz, Professional, Portraiture (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Yan Wang Preston, Professional, Landscape (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924302"
Fot. Yan Wang Preston, Professional, Landscape (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Yan Wang Preston, Professional, Landscape (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924284"
Fot. Yan Wang Preston, Professional, Landscape (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Alessandro Grassani, Professional, Sport (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924305"
Fot. Alessandro Grassani, Professional, Sport (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards
Fot. Alessandro Grassani, Professional, Sport (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards class="wp-image-924317"
Fot. Alessandro Grassani, Professional, Sport (Professional competition), 1st Place, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards